Knights of the Emperor

 Warcry - 'For the Emperor'

Founding - Unknown

Successors of - Unknown

Homeworld - Fleet Based, recruit mainly from Holy Terra.

Armour Colour Scheme - Yellow, Red and White.


The Knights of the Emperor are a chapter of Adeptus Astartes loyal to the Imperium of Man. The origins of the chapter are shrouded in secrecy but they seem to hark back to the end of the great heresy. Indeed, their armour is Yellow, Red and White in commemoration of the three loyal legions that stood in defence of the Imperial Palace at the end of the Horus Heresy (Imperial Fists, Blood Angels and White Scars). Mysterious rumours persist that it was members of these three legions that provided the original influx of recruits at the chapters creation. The Chapter Emblem is a bolt of Lightning, one of the Emperors personal symbols and one used during the Unification of Terra.

As a Chapter, the Knights of the Emperor adhere to the codex astartes and are known to work closely with the Inquisition, especially the Ordo's Malleus and Xenos. They are known to contribute a large number of Marines to the elite DeathWatch and are honoured to have a Kill team attached to the chapter. It is also common for an agent of the Inquisition to take to the field of battle in support of the chapters forces.

The chapter is a fleet based force mainly crusading against the armies of the dark powers around the eye of terror but a significant proportion of the chapters' strength is always left in the sol system in defence of Holy Terra. At its founding oaths were taken in the presence of the immortal Emperor on his golden throne to protect humanity and its birth world and to never cease in the hunt for the turncoat heretics that sided with Horus and turned from the Emperors light.


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